A writer in the room
Skevi Philippou
The writer is alone in his/her small Spartan studio flat he/she sits
alone before a laptop - its screen illuminating his/her face. He/she talks to
himself/herself as he/she writes.
Writer: No, this
isn’t right... Where does it mesh together? But on the other hand - should it
mesh? My words flow to their own rhythm... I don’t see why I can’t mix it up a
bit...I can be fluid and "in the middle"... I am not trying to
influence people - to make a point that things are wrong... Or right... but
it’s just.... Missing something.... Logic? If there is too much logic then
there is not enough heart - if there is too much heart then there is not enough
logic! I don’t know where to take this!
(The writer rests his/her head on
the desk and stays silent)
voice can be heard from the shadows of the empty room)
Malevolent voice: What if you
realise that you have nothing to say? That nothing you know is really
Writer: What? Who said that?
room remained silent)
Writer: Am I going mad?
Benevolent voice: Don't
listen to it - its only trying to confuse you - send you off balance - carry on
your path.... You know best...
Malevolent voice: Yes.... You
know best; you feel this isn’t working - why carry on? It won’t come to any use
in the real world... Give up and move on...
Writer: Who the hell is in my
room?! Reveal yourselves - I am not afraid - I have nothing of value but my
mind and you can’t take that!
Benevolent voice: Do not fear
us; we cannot harm you. It has come to disturb you - I have followed to ensure
you ignore its voice.
Writer: What are you?
Malevolent voice: I am here
to help you.
Writer: But what are you?
met with silence)
Writer: Reveal yourselves to
people walk out from opposite darkened corners of the room – ones appearance is
powdery and bright and the other is dark and shadowy- the writer looks at them
and pulls back in fright)
Writer: Benevolent? (The writer looks at the light creature as
he speaks)
dark creature responds)
Benevolent: Yes - I am here
writer looks to the dark creature in surprise)
Writer: But aren’t you the
Benevolent: Things aren’t
always, what they seem they should be...
Malevolent: No, no it lies, I
am clearly the benevolent force - see me glow pure? The dark creature lies!
Benevolent: Only a Malevolent
force would choose colour as an indication of character.
Writer: Your right - that
makes sense. But why have you come to me? Or has my mind been taken and you are
all just illusions?
Benevolent: We are what we
are. And you are what you are, writer - finish the book.
Malevolent: Yes, I am here to
help you finish - do not write this book - it will only disappoint you - end
your efforts; why fight in vain?
Benevolent: Your words are
pure - a new century needs a new codex to follow - Do not give up -
civilization needs you.
Writer: Civilization?! Hey I am just a writer, I am
not a prophet - I cannot help anyone. I am just writing what I feel.
Benevolent: Yes, and you feel
you need to complete this. You can... All humans have the power to change
things - Words are your strongest bond. You feel the injustices in the world...
You know you can help people through truth. You have come so far, do no give up
Malevolent: Help people? Help
people? Help yourself, leave this insane waste of time and do what makes you
truly happy! I know you feel it - this isn’t going to make you rich or famous,
because no one will see it – Imagine? A useless bunch of muddled words, no one
will ever read! Delete your files and move back to your fiction which gives you
Writer: It is a little
muddled; I’ve never tried this before... I don’t think it will make sense to
anyone but me....
Benevolent: Don’t say
that.... Tell me, what troubles you about it?
Malevolent: You don't want to
discuss it - it’s laughable - you know it is....
writer hesitates and looks at the dark creature)
Writer: It’s a mess... 400 pages of
confused - angry words. But I do feel a sense of accomplishment in expressing
my thoughts. I am just so mixed up. Within these digital pages are all that
matters to me in this world. Everything that angers me, that disappoints me,
that needlessly complicates this world. There is only so much we can take...
Sooner or later the injustices become too much to bare. It starts to stir, deep
within my core. And it all has to come out somehow. I chose to write them all
down. Every day I get up from my bed and, with a blank stare I look out of this
small window into the world. A beautiful world, one that can be vast and far
away, or very small and closed. In any way I view the world – I see its flaws.
Flaws caused by us, humans... With good intent or sinister motives we sometimes
cause, complications that leave us short of what we wish our life could be.
Most people have no time to be as bitter as I am, they move on with the daily
rush of their lives. But I cant let them slide any more. So I document them,
and I write about how I feel... That's why it is all such a mess... I don't think people will take enough time to
decipher my accidentally written riddles.
Malevolent: Well then,
somebody needs some rest, far away from all of this... Chaos...
Delete it and rest
your soul... Do not become a laughing stock, no one will take you seriously.
Benevolent: You’re rushing,
because you feel so strongly... That’s OK; just take time and separate it in
stages. What is the ultimate message of your words?
Writer: Look, you don't seem
to understand. I am just one person, writing what I feel. It isn't life
changing, it isn't ground breaking, it isn't world saving. I just feel that if
I don't write down my thoughts, they will explode out of me. They burn until I
get them out.... It becomes my biggest obsession.
Malevolent: You are right,
you are just a human; just one in 7,096,4390. You’re not wealthy; you’re not
influential or powerful. You’re not respected or admired. Why would people care
what you feel? No one cares what you write, and no one ever will. Save yourself
the embarrassment and shame now.
Benevolent: There is no
embarrassment and no shame in telling the world how you feel - my child, you
will find that many share your thoughts and feelings. The quest is not to be a
leader, but an inspirer. Give hope not directions. Share your words and allow
others to find their own voice.
Malevolent: There is no
hope, no inspiring people, who have moved on from this ancient notion of “love
thy neighbour” and “Fight the good fight” people have evolved, smartened up,
they don’t need you, any “god” or anyone to tell them what to do, or how to
live. Everyone already has their own voice; people look after their own and
that’s what you should do, stop this torture and start living like every one
else does.
Writer: Then you
believe that none of this is important?
Malevolent: Precisely,
now you see my point. Nothing matters, so why go on torturing yourself? Nothing
matters… It is all just an illusion…
Writer: Then why are
you trying to stop me?
Malevolent: What?
Writer: You are the
negative in this world, you thrive on callousness and detachment; if people
continue blindly that suits you just fine. So if this isn’t going to help
anyone… Why are you trying to stop me completing it?
Malevolent: Negative?
Realistic. Obviously, I am trying to help you. Why put yourself through the
pain of disappointment? Of Humiliation?
Writer: Why not go
through it? Why not suffer anguish, pain, disappointment and humility? If we
don’t – then how would we grow? How would we learn to correct, to better
ourselves? If we didn't feel, then how
would we learn to care?
(Benevolent can be seen smiling)
Writer continued: If we
give in to our doubts, our fears – we would never accomplish anything worth
completing. Perseverance is what gave human kind the understanding, the
knowledge to do better, to be better people. Not perfect, we should never be
perfect – but awake, understanding and beautifully inquisitive. Fear, being
stuck in ignorance of uncaring, unthinking, unfeeling, unmoved – unimaginable
hatred, unjustified rage against each other. That is truly humiliating. And we
should never close our eyes to that again.
Malevolent: You are
obviously tired and aren’t thinking straight. Rest, go to sleep, close your
Benevolent: No, their
eyes are open.
Writer: Let me be,
leave now… I have a book to finish.
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